Protecting Your Hair In Fort Myers
As we enter a new season of the year, sometimes we forget to take care of our hair until it is too late. Living in Fort Myers, at this time of year I see a lot of our guests coming down for the season from colder climates up north.
So what is the solution? Its actually very simple! First, make sure that you find a qualified Hair Stylist while visiting in South West Florida that you can see every four to five weeks to continue to maintain your hair for you while you are gone. Keeping your hair trimmed at these intervals will actually help to protect against split ends. Second, make sure that your Hair Stylist is recommending, and that you are using, a Salon Professional Shampoo and Conditioner for your hair. I will share later, on another blog, why this so important.
I know that I have given a lot of information today but I am passionate about seeing people really take care of their hair and always looking their best! If I can ever be of assistance to you please feel free to contact me, Craig Evans, through my direct page on our website at
submitted by: Craig Evans